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Posted on 2023-09-26 11:55:21 in PRESS


The Burlington Magazine, September 2023

The latest article published by The Burlington Magazine looks at the artistic relationship between Denis Wirth-Miller and Francis Bacon.


Katharina Günther explores how Wirth-Miller was introduced to Bacon by mutual friends, the artists Robert MacBryde and Robert Colquhoun, and the pair quickly became friends. 


In the article, Günther writes:


“They went on holiday abroad together and although contemporaries recalled that the relationship could be turbulent and even 'stormy', to the end of Bacon's life they spoke on the telephone almost every day.”


She describes how Bacon would often use Wirth-Miller’s studio to paint in, and explores some paintings that Bacon worked on while there, including Study for a Portrait, 1966, which was completed entirely in the space. Günther points out the similarities between Wirth-Miller’s and Bacon’s studios, as well as their similar (sometimes identical) book collecting habits. 


The article is rich with visual comparisons of the artists’ work and their shared source imagery. 


For a limited time, click here to access the full article free of charge.


Francis bacon Denis wirth-miller The burlington magazine