Breadcrumb Francis Bacon: Working on Paper Francis Bacon: Working on Paper Tate Gallery, London. 16 February 1999-02 May 1999 Publications (ISBN/ISSN: 1854372807) Francis Bacon: Working on Paper (ISBN/ISSN: 0307-1766) 'Draughtsman comes out of the closet' (ISBN/ISSN: 0261-3077) 'Nothing but bums and drunks' (ISBN/ISSN: 1351-3737) 'The ambiguous precision of Francis Bacon' (ISBN/ISSN: 1364-7431) 'Sketches of pain' (ISBN/ISSN: 0951-9467) 'Private View: Francis Bacon' (ISBN/ISSN: 0951-9467) 'Bacon: the rough guide' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'The drawings he didn't want you to see' (ISBN/ISSN: 0307-1235) 'Sketchy about the details' (ISBN/ISSN: 0307-1235) 'Why he kept his methods a secret' (ISBN/ISSN: 0307-1235) 'Ways to fix daydreams on paper' (ISBN/ISSN: 0307-661X) 'Think of ju-ju' (ISBN/ISSN: 2041-4404) 'This is the way Bacon sliced it' (ISBN/ISSN: 0038-6952) 'Doodles, do not drawings make' (ISBN/ISSN: 0049-3910) 'Francis Bacon' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Francis Bacon papale papale, L'America riscopre la serie dei papi, la Tate presenta il disegnatore' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Bacon dessinait aussi: ses dessins inédits sont dévoilés à Londres' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Des Malers falsche Fährten: Francis Bacon als Spurverwischer, London zeigt erstmals verleugnete Zeichnungen' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Verheimlichte Skizzen' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Bacon, il mistero dei disegni nel cassetto' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Francis Bacon als Zeichner' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Drawing Conclusions'