Breadcrumb Francis Bacon: Paintings from the Estate 1980-1991 Francis Bacon: Paintings from the Estate 1980-1991 Faggionato Fine Arts, London. 25 June 1999-26 August 1999 Paintings 80-09 Painting, 1980 84-03 'Street Scene (with Car in Distance)', 1984 84-04 'Blood on Pavement', 1984 87-03 Study of the Human Body, 1987 87-07 'Study for Portrait', 1987 87-08 Study from the Human Body, 1987 88-06 Portrait of John Edwards, 1988 91-03 Study from the Human Body, 1991 Load more Publications (ISBN/ISSN: ) Francis Bacon: Paintings from The Estate, 1980-1991 (ISBN/ISSN: 0140-0460) 'Around the galleries' (ISBN/ISSN: 0956-1382) 'Is there more than meets the eye?' (ISBN/ISSN: 0307-1235) 'Bacon's final works unveiled' (ISBN/ISSN: 9976-1874) 'To bump up attendance, you dumb down content' (ISBN/ISSN: 0049-3910) 'Francis Bacon' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Francis Bacon, Faggionato Fine Arts'