Breadcrumb Francis Bacon - Hyman Bloom Francis Bacon - Hyman Bloom Art Galleries of the University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles. 30 October 1960-11 December 1960 Paintings 48-01 Head I, 1948 52-10 Study for Head, 1952 52-19 Man Eating a Leg of Chicken, 1952 53-02 Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X, 1953 53-20 Study of Figure in a Room, 1953 54-16 Two Americans, 1954 55-04 Head in Grey, 1955 55-07 Man Drinking, 1955 57-11 Study for Portrait of Van Gogh III, 1957 59-05 Reclining Figure, 1959 Load more Publications (ISBN/ISSN: 0004-3273) 'Art news from Los Angeles: Bacon, Bloom; Los Angeles group' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Los Angeles: Bacon, Bloom, Lebrun' (ISBN/ISSN: ) FRANCIS BACON - HYMAN BLOOM