Breadcrumb Bacon. Picasso: La Vie des Images Bacon. Picasso: La Vie des Images Musée Picasso, Paris. 02 March 2005-30 May 2005 Paintings 33-03 The Crucifixion, 1933 33-04 Composition (Figure), 1933 34-02 Interior of a Room, 1934 36-01 Studio Interior, 1936 49-07 Head VI, 1949 66-06 Study of Isabel Rawsthorne, 1966 69-03 Lying Figure, 1969 69-05 Study for Bullfight No 2., 1969 71-09 In Memory of George Dyer, 1971 71-11 Self-Portrait, 1971 72-07 Triptych August 1972, 1972 72-09 Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1972 78-07 Study for Portrait (Michel Leiris), 1978 82-01 Study of the Human Body, 1981 - 1982 87-08 Study from the Human Body, 1987 88-05 Second Version of Triptych 1944, 1988 Load more Publications (ISBN/ISSN: 2080304860) Bacon-Picasso: The Life of Images (ISBN/ISSN: 2080114581) Bacon-Picasso: la vie des images (ISBN/ISSN: 0007-6287) 'Exhibition Reviews: Bacon/Picasso: Paris' (ISBN/ISSN: 0140-0460) 'The tail wags the gods' (ISBN/ISSN: 0757-2271) 'Bacon Picasso: Au Nom du Pair'